Minneapolis as An Adolescent
A while ago I went to a therapist. I told her that I am not always on--I am very inconsistent. She asked if I was okay with being inconsistent and I said of course, I've been that way all my life. It's no surprise to me. Here I am writing not feeling the need to apologize for my lack of activity. I am just an inconsistent person. I'm also terrible at multi-tasking, I pay little attention to detail, and am not particularly organized. I keep looking for a job description that doesn't include those desired attributes.
D is still hurting. We ordered cable so we might rest and get better. TV feels like radio now. I'm just trying to find something different and all I get is the same shows played over and over. I don't think I'll ever be compelled to set a VCR again.
I've been out of touch with some people--sorry. I am feeling a bit of energy, which probably explains why my itunes downloading activity has increased--or is that the cause. I bought XTC's Black Sea which is now the third time I have officially paid for the album. My cassette wore out and my record is in Minnesota. I couldn't wait. I really think Travels in Nihilon would be a great song to remake. You might think I'm crazy, but there are some great subtleties to that song that could be brought out.
Speaking of Minnesota, I went back last week for my Mom's wedding. We had a blast playing football in the street. I miss my brothers--they are great people. I am truly lucky to have two of the best people I know as my brothers.
It really feels like Minnesota has changed since I left. The city has become so upscale, and the country has become so "red state." I remember when Minneapolis was a gritty working town. It felt colder then, but more welcoming. It seems like the middle class, which felt before like all of Minnesota, is disappearing. There are such extremes of wealth and poverty in the city that it makes me worried.
I was in Minnesota during what I believe was an adolescence and I missed it's coming of age. You can see the Minneapolis I remember in this Husker Du video. I miss it.